Imagine having a UAS not underlying the European Drone Regulation! You can use it anywhere and anytime?! Don't need certification or pilot licenses?! Utopia? No! Copting GmbH has designed a unique [...]
Read more6th of March we did it again. For a group of interested customers we made a live demonstration of our autonomous tethered drone system, based in a unique hangar. The whole day everybody, coming [...]
Read moreWhen it comes to the use of UAS for e.g. power line inspection, railway infrastructure, surveying, overviews, inspection of infrastructure, fire protection, damage situations and much more, [...]
Read moreThe classic usage limitation for UAS lies in the limited battery capacity. The balanced relationship between total weight, engine efficiency and battery charge inevitably leads to a decision as to [...]
Read moreThe available drone systems and the associated applications have already led to a large number of innovations. Both in the field of technical innovations, the generation of results and data as well [...]
Read moreThe remote deployment of autonomous drones comes always with the question, how they can be charged quick, safe and fast. There are numerous products on the market offering such functionality. Either [...]
Read moreThe use of drone systems as a suitable tool for securing areas, for monitoring extensive areas and for extensive area overviews has proven itself very often. Only the limited flight time requires an [...]
Read moreWe are proud in announcing our unique UxV-Adapter "EasyConnect"An easy and fast way in connecting your UAV and UGV, to any remote location. No need in buying expensive hardware, transmitter etc. Our [...]
Read moreThe UE funded Horizon 2020 project Roborder (https://www. ended for Copting with the demonstration of the integrated command&control platform deploying, commanding and controlling [...]
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